

Is your bike outside, or in your bedroom?

Christina Hoghton
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Two million security conscious Brits store their bike indoors and over 300,000 keep it in their bedroom

A staggering 376,000 cyclists in the UK are opting to share their bedroom, with not only their partner, but their bicycle too, according to research from the Co-op Insurance.

And two million admit to keeping their bicycle inside their home, in order to keep it safe.

However, the same research revelaed that almost a quarter of people (23%) have had their bicycle stolen from inside their homes, and a third (29%) have had their bikes stolen from their garden. And more than 1 in 10 people (13%) have experienced a bike theft from outside a supermarket or shop.

Bike theft hotspots

The research also shows that thieves are busiest in the East Midlands (28%), who hold the unfortunate top spot for most stolen bicycles, with the West Midlands (25%) and London (20%) second and third. In contrast the North East seems to be the place for peace of mind, with only 12% of cycle thefts.


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Caroline Hunter, head of home insurance at the Co-op, said: “If the Tour de France inspires you to buy the latest bike, be sure to store it somewhere safe, and as secure as possible, whether out and about or at home. Taking just a few small steps can make a big difference in keeping your bike safe from thieves.”

Making your home and garden more secure can also reduce your home insurance premiumns, according to Jason McComiskey, engineer at security specialists Evander. He said: “When you apply for home insurance, the insurer will calculate your premium based on information you supply about your home. They’ll look at location, the crime rate in your area, and the value of your home, for example. Each insurer will calculate their premiums differently and may place more or less importance on certain factors.

“There are a number of ways in which customers can potentially reduce their insurance premiums. Typical considerations for insurers include the presence of security alarms, whether high quality locks are used across all access points (this includes both doors and windows) and seeing if you have membership with your neighbourhood watch scheme.”

The Co-op Insurance said that cyclists should think about insuring their bike on their home contents insurance, ensuring it is covered for thefts away from the home too. Insurers may specify that items should be locked in a shed, garage or brought into the house. If you have left your items unlocked and outside, insurers may refuse to pay out.