

Amazon launches online home insurance store

Christina Hoghton
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Customers will be able to compare home insurance quotes from their Amazon mobile app

Amazon has entered the home insurance comparison market, launching its Amazon Insurance Store.

It says the store is ‘a new, simple, and convenient way for UK customers to shop for home insurance’.

Customers can get like-for-like quote comparisons, a streamlined and simple quote questionnaire, and a checkout experience integrated with

The Amazon Insurance Store is now being rolled out to select customers, and will be available to all UK customers online and on the Amazon UK mobile app by the end of the year.

“Shopping online for home insurance is a well-established experience, and our goal is to exceed customers’ expectations when it comes to the Amazon Insurance Store,” said Jonathan Feifs, general manager of Amazon’s European Payment Products. “This initial launch is just the beginning—we’ll continue to innovate and make refinements, all with the aim of delighting customers and providing the most convenient shopping experience possible.”


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Fewer questions to answer

Amazon Insurance Store has streamlined its quote questionnaire so that you are only asked the essential questions needed by insurers to receive a quote, simplifying the process.

The Amazon Insurance Store said it will also provide a more transparent way to shop for home insurance. The store will populate customer reviews, star ratings, and claims acceptance rates so customers can make more informed purchasing decisions.

Easy to compare

All policies in the Amazon Insurance Store start with the same level of cover, which includes protection for some of the most common home insurance claims. This aims to make it easier for homeowners and renters to compare like-for-like quotes, review cover inclusions and exclusions, and then add to their policy if needed.

“Finding the right home insurance policy can be a time-consuming and confusing task, with quotes that often leave out essential coverage in order to lead with the lowest price,” Feifs said. “When we set out to create the Amazon Insurance Store, we wanted to improve the experience for customers shopping for home insurance so they could easily compare options and make an informed, objective decision—just like shopping on Amazon.”

Launch partners

Amazon has partnered with three insurance brands for its initial launch: Ageas UK, Co-op, and LV= General Insurance. It will add more insurers to the Amazon Insurance Store early next year, giving customers even more selection.

Charles Offord, managing director of Co-op Insurance, said: “We’re incredibly excited to be one of the first participating insurers for the Amazon Insurance Store. Our market-leading products will soon be available to more people than ever before, ensuring customers across the UK can enjoy unrivalled levels of cover.

“The way people are buying insurance is evolving and we want customers to feel empowered to purchase our products on the channel of their choice and in a way that suits them best.”