Buy to Let
Paragon launches new buy-to-let mortgage range
The two-year discount and three-year fixed rate mortgages are now available to landlords
Paragon Bank has expanded its range of buy-to-let mortgages for landlords.
The lender has added two new two-year discounted variable rate products and two three-year fixed rates.
The new deals are available to portfolio landlords – those with four or more mortgaged properties – purchasing or remortgaging houses in multiple occupation (HMO), multi-unit blocks (MUB) and single self-contained (SSC) properties.
The two-year discounted rates start from 2.99%, while the three-year fixes start from 4.69% and come with a £500 cashback.
The products are available up to 75% loan-to-value (LTV) and are offered with free mortgage valuations.

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All products are subject to an application fee of £299.
Moray Hulme, director for mortgage sales, said: “After analysing the market we have introduced some new buy-to-let products that offer landlords more choice.
“We’ve added two-year variable rate products to our range to provide finance that has a headline rate significantly cheaper than many of the two-year fixed rate products currently available, enabling investors to respond to the strong demand for rented homes we’re seeing currently.
“In addition, with rates expected to fall beyond the anticipated peak in two years, we’re able to offer competitively priced mortgages that are fixed for three years, providing landlords with certainty.”