Buy to Let
Landlords invest in buy to let becuase of the control they have over their investment
New landlords are choosing to invest in buy to let property because they have greater control over their investment, according to a survey by Mortgage Trust.
The survey shows that 32 per cent choose to invest in buy to let property because they will have greater control over the success of their investment, compared to alternatives.
John Heron, managing director of Mortgage Trust, said: “With buy to let, investors are in the driving seat. As financial markets become increasingly volatile, this level of control will become more attractive to investors.”
However, 68 percent claimed that expected better returns than other investments was the reason they opted to invest in buy to let property.
“Investors continue to be attracted to the private rented sector due to the good returns,” added Heron .
“While there is uncertainty in many financial markets at the moment, it is clear that landlords believe buy to let remains a solid investment option.”

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